Dr. Rubeena Jabeen Ansari- M.A.(Gold Medalist), Ph. D., UGC NET
Officiating Principal since 01/01/2021
Currently working as Associate Professor
Working as Assistant Professor (Psychology) since 2007 and Officiating Principal since 01/01/2021
Recognized as Ph. D. Guide for Psychology by R. T. M. Nagpur University, Maharashtra
Five research scholars have been awarded Ph. D. under her guidance.
Member of Board of Studies of RTMNU (PG ) for Psychology
rubyansari@rediffmail.com |
Dr. Pranali Keshao Patil- B.A. , M.A., MSW., M. Phil, & Ph. D.
Working as Assistant professor of Social Work since 2006
Area of Specialization - Community Development
Successfully completed project of ICSSR on Muslim girls
Recognized Ph. D. Guide for Social Work by R. T. M. Nagpur University, Maharashtra
patilpranali2012@gmail.com |
Dr. Rashtrapal Istari Meshram -M.A. , B.Ed.,M. Phil., Ph.D., UGC NET, & SET
Working as Assistant professor of Marathi since 2006
rashtrapalmeshram1979@gmail.com |
Dr. Omprakash Dukhee Kashyap- M.A. (Eco), MSW. & M. Phil, Ph.D., UGC NET
Working as Assistant professor in Social Work since 2009
Area of Specialization -Labour Welfare and Personnel Management
Successfully completed ICSSR, Project on Women Reservation of Panchayat Raj Institution and
its impact on Elected Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Women in Vidarbha Region..
csw.omprakash@gmail.com |
Dr. Manoj Haribhauji Hole - BSW,MSW,SET & M. Phil, Ph.D.
Working as Assistant professor in Social Work since 2009
Area of Specialization -Community Development
Successfully completed ICSSR, Project on Status of female Beedi Workers in Vidarbha Region of Maharashtra State.
holemanoj023@gmail.com |
Dr. Savita Bhaurao Chiwande -M.A. (History, Sociology), B.Ed., M. Phil.,Ph.D., & SET
Working as Assistant Orofessor in Sociology since 2010
Successfully completed ICSSR, Project on Health Education and Socio-Economic Status of Bhungi Community in Vidarbha.
savitachiwande@gmail.com |
Dr. Nishant Patwaru Mate - MSW, Ph.D, & NET
Working as Assistant professor in Social Work since 2010
Area of Specialization -Labour Welfare and Personnel Management
Successfully completed ICSSR, Project on Implementation of the forest right act in east vidarbha region (Maharashtra State).
nishant24@gmail.com |
Dr.Shashikant Vandeo Dange- B.Tech., MSW, M.Phil, Ph.D., MHR & UGC NET
Working as Assistant professor in Social Work since 2010
Area of Specialization -Labour Welfare and Personnel Management
shashi15136@gmail.com |
Dr. Manish Prabhkarrao Mude - B.Sc. (Maths), MSW, M.Phil., Ph.D., SET
Working as Assistant professor in Social Work since 2010
Area of Specialization-Community Development
Successfully completed ICSSR, Project
mr.manish_mude@rediffmail.com |
Dr. Harshal Krishnaji Gajbhiye - M.A, Ph. D.(English ), UGC NET
Working as Assistant Professor (English) since November 2018
harshalgajbhiye4@gmail.com |
Dr. Girish Mansaram Atram - MSW., SET
Area of Specialization - Community Development
Working as Assistant professor of Social Work since November 2018
girish.atram@gmail.com |
Dr. Rahul Laxman Jungari - MSW., M.Phil., Ph.D. (Social Work )SET, & UGC NET
Area of Specialization Medical & Psychiatric Social Work
Working as Assistant professor of Social Work since November 2018
rahuljungari42@gmail.com |
Mr. Ram Haribhau Butke - MSW., SET, & NET(Social Work ), M. Ed. ,SET(Education )
M.A.(English ,Marathi History and Political Science)
Area of Specialization Family and Child Studies
Working as Assistant professor in Social Work since November 2018
Currently pursuing Ph. D. in Social Work from R. T. M. Nagpur University, Maharashtra
rambutke@gmail.com |
Shaikh Aveshkharni Shaikh Kabir - B.Sc (Computer Science) , MSW. & SET
Area of Specialization -Community Development
Working as Assistant professor in Social Work since November 2018
aveskharni.s@gmail.com |
Miss Ujwala Vijay Sukhdeve - BA, MSW., SET
Area of Specialization -Community Development
Working as Assistant professor in Social Work since 2006
Currently pursuing Ph.D. from RTMNU Nagpur
sukhdeveujwala@gmail.com |